1:00 PM – Radio Service, WLLG & WBRV
7:00 PM – Men’s Fellowship
Women’s Bible Study
7:00 PM – Middle School Youth Meeting
Trustees Meeting
7:00 PM – Choir Practice
6:00 PM – Book Club Fellowship Dinner
BOOK CLUB for all the readers out there, on Friday, October 19th @ 6pm, starting with a Fellowship dinner followed by a discussion of the book “Crazy Love” by Francis Chan. So, purchase, borrow, or read from your Kindle. There’s a copy in our church library that you can sign out, if available. Then join us for an evening of fellowship and discussion. Please bring a dish to pass. Beverages will be provided.
Church NEWSLETTER DEADLINE is October 19th.
Team Youth Meeting – October 21st, following the Worship service.
SAFE CHURCH – It’s that time of year again to update our files. If you are involved with the young people in our church you are required to attend a “Safe Church” meeting for training or to update your training. Prior to the scheduled Oct. 21st meeting, you can pick up the “Safe Church” material located on the library table. (Alternate date, if needed, is October 22nd @ 7PM). There are instructions and information regarding changes in the Safe Church Policy. If you have any questions, please call Pastor Bradseth or Sue Duthie.
TRUNK or TREAT Once again we will be doing TRUNK OR TREAT October 31st. We are in need of “car trunks” and candy to pass out. More information will follow at a later date. Please let Heidi know if you are interested in helping. Any questions just contact Heidi.
October 21st – Children Youth Sing Praises 11AM
Team Youth Meeting, after Worship Svc.
October 24th – High School Youth – Speaker 7::00 PM.
OCTOBER is WORLD MISSIONS OFFERING month. This is the month we receive our annual World Mission Offering to support the foreign mission work of the American Baptist Churches around the world. Our Goal is $1200.
CARE NET is offering two volunteer training courses this fall:
Watertown Training: Six Monday evenings from 6:00 – 9:00 starting on October 29th and concluding December 3rd at Life Church of the Nazarene at 535 Thompson Boulevard. Please call Care Net at 782-5433 for more information.
BROOK HAVEN HOUSE – You are invited to our Annual Banquet, Friday, October 19th, 2012. New Covenant Fellowship Church, 22791 County Rte 42, Carthage, NY 13619 Dinner and Program 6:00 -8:00 PM, Silent Auction RSVP Oct. 5th, 2012 to Joan Sherwood @ 315-493-1735. For more information, see the flyer on the bulletin board next to the Pastor’s office.
to benefit the Lowville Food Pantry on Friday, Oct. 19th @ Lewis County Fairgrounds Pavilion. Preview and Registration from 5-7, Auction starting @ 7. A Chinese Auction will run at the same time. 12 tickets for $5.00
Food and Drinks by Vendors. Auctioneer will be Richard Bush. Donations for the Auction will be accepted at the Pantry during normal day or evening hours or by appt. for pick-up.