The LBC Board of Deacons consists of seven elected members of the congregation who feel led by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to care for the spiritual life of our church. These members, through regular prayer, bible study and meditation, consistently seek guidance to assist the pastor, oversee the use of the Deacons Fund, monitor membership, serve as liaison between the pastor and congregation, and monitor the effectiveness of our ministry. The current
We take comfort from the Lord’s directive in Matthew 18:20 – ‘for where two or three gather in my name, there I am with them’. With joy in this assurance, the current Deaconate board has been dedicated to implementing a ‘Deacon Family Ministry’ program in which all of our members have been given a specific deacon that is always available for prayer and addressing current joys and concerns. We are thankful for the blessings that we have experienced at LBC and excitedly anticipate the ministry the Lord has in store for the days, months and years to come.