Worship is an important part of any church. It is how we approach God. It says something about who we are and how we see God.
Worship at Lowville Baptist is varied and user friendly. Though we see God as Almighty, Righteous, Holy and Awesome, we also see Him as Loving and Approachable through Jesus Christ. In Christ, God has invited us to be part of His very large and extended family. Thus, family fellowship is important to us. We do not ask that people sit quietly before the service, but encourage people to mix, converse and greet one another before worship begins. Often during worship we will provide time for people to share prayer requests, thanksgivings and celebrations. Most months we observe communion or the Service of the Lord’s Supper on the first Sunday of each month.
We praise God in congregational singing using contemporary choruses and traditional hymns. Special music may include solos, quartets, adult or children’s choirs, etc. The Bible message is always an important part of our worship experience as we examine His Word together and allow His Word to examine us!
Most of the year the worship service starts at 11:00 AM on Sunday morning. During the Summer (from Father’s Day through Labor Day weekend) worship starts at 10:00 AM. Each Sunday, nursery care is provided downstairs for infants and toddlers. Just before the Bible message, children (pre-school through grade two) may go to Children’s Church for their own Bible lesson.
An important part of worship is music. Our Music Director is Mel Chalker. If you would like to join the choir, volunteer for special music, have a favorite hymn you’d like sung, or any other questions, he would be happy to hear from you.