7627 N. STATE ST.
Website: www.lowvillebaptistchurch.org
Knowing that our world is full of people who long for a meaningful spiritual life and strong connection with God, Lowville Baptist Church is committed to assist those who daily seek to make Jesus the Lord of their lives. The church will maintain regular public worship, prioritize the development of Christian character, and enthusiastically encourage evangelistic activity. Our membership professes belief that the Holy Bible in its entirety, both Old and New Testaments, provide the basis for faith and practice.
Over the next several years, Lowville Baptist Church will demonstrate significant spiritual growth by being actively involved in Bible study, by openly taking petitions to the Lord in prayer, and by seeking ways to reach out to the unsaved.
Lowville Baptist Church seeks to be a congregation of believers who value coming together for public worship, experiencing the joy of being in God’s presence, and obeying His leading for using our gifts in this world. This entails inviting people into our church who are searching for a meaningful spiritual life. It means assisting each other to grow in faith through depth of prayer, building skills of discernment, and receiving quality direction from the reading and study of scripture. We place a priority on developing discipline in believers who are energized to minister beyond the boundaries of the church building.
The origins of the Lowville Baptist Church on North State Street, Lowville, began in 1819 as the Line Church, located between the Town of Lowville and the Town of Denmark. In 1824, thirty-two members who lived close to Lowville established the Lowville Baptist Church. Fifty-six ‘seats’ were sold for $1,967 apiece and by November 1825, a new house of worship was built in Lowville. The present church was built in 1890; it’s Christian Education wing in 1895 and the Fellowship Hall in 1997. The Lowville Baptist Church began providing a parsonage in 1849 and currently owns two houses – one serving as a parsonage for the interim pastor, and one being renovated for potential use for a permanent pastor.
An early emphasis on missions and Sunday School continues in the Lowville Baptist Church. The first mission giving was recorded in May 1929 and the first Sunday Schools begun in 1832. A substantial portion of the annual budget continues to be devoted to missions – both locally and internationally. Adult Sunday School and Bible Study groups are active, and the Christian Education Committee plans lessons and events specifically for youth.
An excellent sound system helps to broadcast weekly church services on the local radio station and offers taped copies for our shut-ins. A long history of ecumenical ties with community churches continues to be encouraged. Shared services with five other churches make up a week – long Lenten program each year.
Continuing a Baptist congregational form of governance, members of the Lowville Baptist Church have visibly grown in the last number of years, both in their individual involvement and contributions to the church. While church numbers have dropped recently, likely due to corona virus restrictions and changes in pastoral leadership, core membership remains stable and devoted. Committees and discussion have already begun for planning a 200th Anniversary Celebration!
Lewis County is known for its four beautiful seasons. In a drive of 30 miles, you can view the Tug Hill Plateau, continue through the Black River Valley’s fertile farmlands, and on into the western edge of the Adirondack Mountains. The area boasts many lakes, waterways, and one of the largest windfarms East of the Mississippi. Fitness and wellness programs are offered in several venues and the geography itself encourages camping, hiking, boating, swimming, horseback riding, hunting, fishing, skiing, skating, tubing, and golfing snowmobiling, and ATV riding.
As the County Seat, the Village of Lowville serves as a hub for business, shopping, and special events. Restaurants, banks, churches, library, historical society, movie theater, post office, car dealerships, and many locally owned businesses line the main streets. Service clubs include the Elks, the Lions, the Masons, the American Legion, the VFW, and the Marine Corps, While the area’s main industry continues to be dairy farming, a Wal-Mart Supercenter and several local factories employ hundreds of people. Bus routes travel from Lowville to Utica, Old Forge and Watertown, often for college classes and summer employment.
Lowville Academy and Central School is in the village of Lowville and three other public schools cover the outskirts. Several home-schooling groups are active in the area as are BOCES and Jefferson Community College, which offer a variety of classes.
The Lewis County Health Care System is a mainstay for health services in the area. The General Hospital, Nursing Home, Dialysis Unit, and multiple health clinics are in the county as well as mental health, hospice, Care Net, and social services. Law, dental, insurance offices and even a county DMV are well-established conveniences.
County residents are proud to claim the North American Fiddlers Hall of Fame, the NYS Maple Museum, and Constable Hall Civil War Museum. Located in downtown Lowville, Quibaca-AMF is the world’s largest bowling pin factory and Kraft Heinz, as the largest manufacturer of cream cheese, holds the Guinness World Record for the largest cheesecake.
Along with its growing tourism, Lewis County’s Amish families, strong Mennonite heritage and proximity to Fort Drum all add diversity and richness to its population.
Regular church worship services are generally planned by the pastor and the Deacons. Lay leaders, Missions Chair and special groups may also help lead portions of the service. Services are open to all and invitations to come to Christ are warmly extended.
Traditional music styles currently play an integral part in the regular worship experience at Lowville Baptist Church. There is an openness to inclusion of more contemporary styles and the blending of praise songs and hymns as the tastes of the congregation suggest. Music ministry attempts to enhance expressions of prayer, praise, and weekly bible messages with appropriate preludes, service music, hymns, and postludes. During the COVID era, choir has been suspended with members often providing ‘specials’ during the worship service. There is both hopeful and willing expectations that the choir itself, steadfast and enthusiastic as they have proven to be, will resume as soon as it is considered safe and feasible. The choir has always been, and will continue to be, open to all who wish to participate.
An excerpted portion of our services are recorded and are broadcast on our local radio station weekly. In recent years the service has also been made available on YouTube and Facebook. As the pandemic has continued, many members, particularly shut-ins, have been able to use this ministry with notable success. The success of this option for sharing our regular worship experiences has increased the likelihood of continuing this post pandemic.
Children’s church and a nursery is available during worship services. Children’s Church includes a Children’s message from specially prepared age-appropriate materials. Sunday School, ages four through adult, is offered throughout the school year. Classes are led by volunteer adults and assistants who prepare lessons from current Published Christian Education materials.
The Christian Education Board strives to hold special events with the community children 5 to 12 yr. planning throughout the year. During the summer months, youth are invited to partner with those from other churches for Vacation Bible School, projects, and monthly outdoor activities.
Currently, a Bible study is offered at the church on a weekly basis. Although largely put on hold during COVID, an active women’s group has still been able to provide distribution of free books & cold water at County Fair parade & the Kraft Cream Cheese Festival. This group continues to supply a variety of craft projects for shut-ins and hold devotional sessions.
An ecumenical group of church volunteers, including members of the Lowville Baptist Church, has formed a “Loving Lewis County” effort to help those in need. This group has been successful in providing numerous home repairs free of charge. Loving Lewis County work projects culminate with a community Sunday morning worship service and meal at the fairgrounds.
From its’ beginning in 2016, LBC had served as home base for the Loving Lewis County Free Clothing Distribution project which continues to experience noteworthy success.
Members of the Lowville Baptist Church give time and donations to both the local food pantry and the Christmas Sharing program. The Missions Program at LBC has historically supported local, regional, and international missionaries throughout each church year.
- The pastor will be the spiritual leader of the congregation. He/She will work closely with the church officers, boards, committees and the congregation to assure that the church proceeds in a Godly manner to carry out the church’s Purpose/Vision/Mission and to provide a clear direction for the activities, growth and ministry of the church.
- The pastor will present a well-prepared Biblically-based message of appropriate length that displays sound theology and teaching. This bible message should offer relevant instruction/teaching aimed at providing direct application by the congregation.
- It is expected that the pastor will keep regular office hours during the week so that he/she will be readily available to the congregation. When deviations from the regular office hours are needed, due to vacation, conference attendance, special visitations or other reasons, the revised schedule, if at all possible, should be posted in the Sunday bulletin. The pastor will communicate with the Deacons and the Treasurer regarding vacation time and conferences which he/she will attend.
- The pastor should regularly visit the shut-ins, the sick, the aged, and more frequently, those facing death or in mourning.
- The pastor, working with the Board of Deacons, will serve and administrate the ordinances of the Lord’s Supper and baptism.
- The pastor, with other members of the congregation, will provide for an appropriate funeral service and procedures for recently deceased members of our congregation. The pastor will also officiate at weddings as requested, and in keeping with his/her spiritual determination of the couple’s readiness to enter Holy Matrimony.
- The pastor is responsible for administration of the total church program, though many of the duties of administration will be delegated to staff and/or volunteer leadership.